Prescription Management
We develop customized information and knowledge management solutions for difficult and sensitive data conversion, storage, management, and analysis challenges.
RxDataTrack™ Controlled Substance Automated Prescription Program
The CSAPP application is a proven, valuable tool in the fight against prescription drug abuse and diversion
Unlock New Opportunities for Growth in the Digital Age
RxDataTrack™ Controlled Substance Automated Prescription Program (CSAPP) is an electronic database and reporting tool which collects designated data on controlled substances dispensed in any specified State. Designed with the utmost flexibility to meet the needs of all regulatory agencies, RxDataTrack™ CSAPP can be housed by a statewide regulatory, administrative or law enforcement agency or hosted and managed on your behalf. This established, secure and consistently-upgraded product is able to operate in real time, allowing for better decision making by prescribers and dispensers and more efficient use in drug diversion intervention efforts. RxDataTrack™ CSAPP gives instant access to prescription data for state-authorized individuals including prescribers, dispensers, investigators and law enforcement.
The benefits of RxDataTrack™ CSAPP:
RxDataTrack™ is a comprehensive solution that supports the legitimate medical use of controlled substances, identifies and deters drug abuse and diversion, and facilitates early intervention and treatment for prescription drug addiction. It also informs public health initiatives by tracking usage and abuse trends, all while educating individuals about responsible prescription drug use